Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Pregnancy Side effects!

Ok so I was watching TV and one of those new medication commercials came on and I paid no attention until it got to the section on side effects and I thought man someone needs to post a list of side effect due to pregnancy. This is what I started:

Side Effects maybe physical, emotional and behavioral. Many common side effects may be minor but some of the major and severe reactions can be life threatening. You can learn of potential pregnancy side effects from physician, friends, family, blogs, and community posts.

Other side effects not listed above may also occur in some women. If you notice any other effect, please leave a comment. Some women may experience all symptoms and then some women may experience few.....don't trust the women who say they don't experience any... they are liars!!! This information is meant only as a guideline - - always consult a physician.

Confusion or Delirium
Muscle twitching
Effect on Breathing
bladder problems,
sexual dysfunction
Increased heart rate
Increased blood pressure
Loss of appetite
Increased appetite
Abdominal pain
Rectal bleeding
Personality Disorder
Overly Excited
Severely restless
Back Pain
Leg Cramps
Muscle pains
Swelling of legs and feet
Frequent urination
Urinary Tract infection
Yeast Infection
Weight Loss
Weight Gain
Joint pain
Hot flashes
Acid Indigestion
Enlarged Breasts

This is not a scientific list if you have any of these symptoms please contact your doctor!

Monday, March 14, 2011

That's IT!

Ok I give, where the hell is that alien Bitch! She can have my body right now I would be more then happy to escape reality! Women who love to be pregnant I could kill. "Those" women are insane because who in their right mind loves, Cramping of the legs, Heartburn, Diarrhea, constipation Yeast Infection and hemorrhoids. Seriously where is that bitch take over my body so I can live in the world where this does not exist!!!!

Don't get me wrong I know it's a miracle that I am creating a child and I personally know women who would love the chance to be pregnant but lets be honest your body is put through hell for 9 months and then you spend 4 years trying to get it back to the way it was when your were 25. I never had Heartburn till I got pregnant, I never had a hemorrhoid....and then the yeast infection. Seriously?! I had UTI's with my first pregnancy and I think I much prefer having a UTI then a YI! It's 7 days of BS that will make you never want to be a women.

As soon as I can get my restless legs to relax I will try to lay down comfortably and wait for my Alien Counterpart to take over. Sorry to my husband I love you very much but this is for the best, we will both be better off.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ready to give in!

I can't fight anymore. I am quickly losing this battle. I must fight on for my family sake!

There are days now I don't know which direction I am going in and I feel like I am being a bitch to everyone. I want this Blog to be somewhat funny and enlightening but I feel this heavy dark cloud weighing me down and I just want to crawl in bed and sleep most days. This feels like depression but it should be the happiest time of my life right?

OK enough I am stepping back and taking control....Bitch better back off because she ain't welcome here! I will not let you do this to me. I am in control head up deep breath focus!