Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Let me step back a little

My first pregnancy I thought I was in complete control and I thought I was doing everything right to stay "normal". Well my husband opened up to me after the baby was born and told me I was totally insane. I thought he was crazy. How could he say anything like that how absurd. I did everything by the book I exercised, I ate right, I was up to date on every pregnancy website I could be on getting updates on what was going on with my body and how my baby was developing. Little did I ever realize that I had completely left my body and was taken over by an alien being that looked like me but did not act at all like me.

This pregnancy I made a promise to my husband that I would try my best not to go insane again and that I would stay focused and not allow my body to be taken over by that crazy alien bitch! Well we both know it's a padded promise. We both know that one day, I can't say when, but of course when I least suspect it SNATCH I will be gone. I would love to think that I will travel off to a white sandy beach where I will relax in the sun and drink pinacoladas under a large cabana. Truth is I will be trapped in a cold place between reality and deep space. While my body and my life will be taken over and screwed with. This alien will say and do things that I could never imagine and I will deni when I finally I do make the return back to my body. Key phrase at this point, they are all crazy "they" don't understand what it is like to be pregnant and make a baby! I'm not the crazy one......sure you'll tell yourself that too!

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